Community Club
Brandon Groves Ave | South Ockendon | Essex | England
01708 853570
This Email address is for general enquiries. If you'd like to book our facilities please submit the form in the Booking Enquiries section of our website.
Membership is currently closed.
If you'd like to join our fantastic community club, just pop into the club and add your name / number onto our waiting list and we'll be in contact with you once membership opens.
Brandon Groves Community Club is a members club
The membership year starts on October 1st. If you join mid-year your membership will expire at the end of September.
Membership renewals take place during September. If you don't renew before October 1st your membership will lapse and your door entry fob will stop working.
We believe our membership remains extremely competitive. As well as the use of the club 7 days a week we also provide a range of entertainment in the members bar, which is free for members, and give discount ticket prices for our larger events in the hall wherever possible.
Dates / times for renewal sessions are published on our Facebook page.
No new members will be invited to join until after October 1st.
Just look at the events page to get a flavour of what membership brings.
Membership costs 2023
Each Adult, including OAP. £15 and £20 for over 18's.
* £ 2.50 additional cost for entry fob will apply (where applicable)
There's a £5 admin fee for all new members in their first year.